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Remote Work

The world of work is constantly changing and evolving and remote work is more common than ever. As a recent graduate, you may be starting a new job via telework. As an intern, you may be asked to work remotely. The Career Development Center has created the following list of tips to help you gather the tools and resources needed to transition from student to professional.

Click through each of the below steps to learn how you can prepare for the transition.

Creating your workspace


Have you determined a dedicated space that you will be working remotely from? Is it as free as possible from distractions? Can you Zoom from this workspace?


Do you have the equipment you need to perform your work?


What type of chair will you be using? Is this comfortable for you for stretches of time?


Do you have adequate lighting to prevent eye strain?


Do you have a reliable internet connection?

Zoom and webcam

Are you familiar with how Zoom and your webcam works? Embrace your webcam. Consider what is behind you when you Zoom into meetings.

Supplies and storage

Do you have the supplies (pens, writing pads, etc.) you need to be productive? Where will you put your work when your day is done?


How can you personalize your workspace to make it more comfortable, enjoyable, and pleasurable to be in during your work hours? Can you add pictures or flowers to your workspace?

Managing your work


Are you clear on your work schedule? Do you need to communicate your schedule to others, such as in your email signature? You are not expected to work outside of your agreed upon schedule.

Dress for work

All studies indicate when we “dress for work” when we work from home, the more productive we are. Consider ditching the sweatpants and fuzzy slippers.


Structure your day. Consider waking up at the same time every day, tackling specific tasks at the same time each day if possible.


As our work changes on a day-to-day basis, consider prioritizing your daily work.


Does your work need to be organized in a different way now that you are working remotely?

Processes and procedures

Are there new processes and procedures that need to be developed? Have you shared your thoughts with the team and your manager?



Are your communications to colleagues and clients still remaining professional in these turbulent times? Are you self-monitoring your social media posts to insure they reflect the image you want?


Is there a need to communicate your remote schedule to your colleagues, clients, and customers? Consider placing this information in your email signature.

Your needs

Have you determined what you need to be successful? Have you discussed this with your supervisor?

Supervisor and team meetings

Are you clear on the process for attending regular meetings with your supervisor and colleagues?


Are you comfortable using the current technology (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.)?

Wellbeing and work/life

Scheduled breaks

Have you scheduled breaks and lunch into your day (away from your computer)?


How will you move your body each day? Can you go outside?


What will you create each day?


During these changing times, consider the following: What am I grateful for today?

Home life

Are you taking care of yourself and family in ways that are best for you?


If you need them, are you aware of the University’s resources such as the Emergency Loan Fund?