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AppGROWS (Guided Reflection on Work+Service) is focused on making student employment a “high-impact activity” – one that requires students to reflect on their learning and connect their learning within and beyond the classroom.

First launched at Iowa State, supervisors knew they were onto something special with just 4 important questions. Over 150 campuses have received permission to re-brand for their campus, and App State is now one of them! AppGROWS uses brief, structured conversations between student employees and their supervisors to help students connect the skills and knowledge they are gaining in the classroom with the work they are doing, and vice versa.

Check out the below short video (2 min) from former App State Plemmons Student Union student supervisor, Rachel Newton, as she shares the impact this quick conversation had on her. It’s no wonder Rachel wants to work with students on a college campus and graduated from App State with a Master’s in Student Affairs Administration.

Conversations can happen in two ways

Choose whichever suits you best:

  1. Individual employees — just 5-10 minutes will do the trick; you can schedule in advance or grab them on their work shift
  2. For areas with more employees, you might consider group meetings (no more than 8; roughly 20-30 minutes per meeting)

Whichever way you choose, sending the questions in advance is helpful so students can begin preparing for the conversation.

What are the 4 questions?

  1. How is this job fitting in with your academics?
  2. What are you learning here that’s helping you in school?
  3. What are you learning in class that you can apply here at work?
  4. Can you give me a couple of examples of things you’ve learned here that you think you’ll use in your chosen profession?

    Get started

    Please refer to these resources below as quick info to get you started during this pilot semester. Soon, all supervisors will have an ASULearn portal with even more resources at your fingertips!